3 Hot + Delicious Coffee Drinks Under P30

Use Krem-Top for your #SarilingTimpla na #SwakSaBulsa coffee drinks!

You can be your own barista and create coffee shop-level beverages at home. All you need are a few basic and affordable ingredients to instantly elevate your drink.

In fact, you can make popular coffee drinks like flat white, bulletproof coffee, and Spanish latte at home! The secret is to use Krem-Top, a non-dairy creamer that’s sweet and creamy, has a delicious aroma, and enhances the flavor of your coffee creations! Even better, it’s easy on the wallet as a 170g + 20g pack retails for only P42.50 SRP.

Level up your morning cup of coffee with these three easy recipes created by Krem-Top!

Flat White Recipe

Flat white is a coffee drink that’s originally served with steamed milk. This version stays creamy even without milk thanks to Krem-Top.

Yield: 1 coffee cup
Estimated Cost per Serving: P6.40

Flat White Ingredients

1 teaspoon instant coffee powder
2 to 3 tablespoons hot water
3 to 4 tablespoons white sugar
1 teaspoon Krem-Top
100 ml water

How to make Flat White

1. In a coffee cup, mix coffee powder and 2 to 3 tablespoons of hot water.

2. Add sugar and stir well.

3. In a separate container, mix Krem-Top with 100 ml of water. Heat and froth the mixture.

4. Pour the Krem-Top mixture into the coffee cup.

5. Serve and enjoy!

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

Also known as butter coffee and keto coffee, this hot beverage is an energizing way to start your morning. Imagine the taste of a creamy latte but with a buttery twist!

Yield: 1 coffee cup
Estimated Cost per Serving: P27.02

Bulletproof Coffee Ingredients

1 cup brewed coffee drink
1 to 2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon Krem-Top

How to make Bulletproof Coffee

1. Brew 1 cup of coffee.

2. Pour the brewed coffee drink into a blender. Add butter and blend until frothy.

3. Pour the coffee mixture into a coffee cup.

4. Add Krem-Top and stir well.

5. Serve and enjoy!

Spanish Latte Recipe

In Spain, you’ll often see this coffee drink served with breakfast. Recreate your own Spanish latte, aka cafe con leche, and pair it with your favorite silog combo!

Yield: 1 coffee cup
Estimated Cost per Serving: P27.44

Spanish Latte Ingredients

1 cup strong coffee drink
1 teaspoon Krem-Top
1 to 2 tablespoons condensed milk
cinnamon powder (optional)

How to make Spanish Latte

1. Make 1 cup of hot, strong coffee in a coffee cup.

2. Add Krem-Top and condensed milk to the drink. Stir well.

3. Top with a dash of cinnamon.

4. Serve and enjoy!

Of course, there are more ways you can level up your favorite drink besides these three recipes. Want to know how other people are using Krem-Top to make their #SarilingTimpla na #SwakSaBulsa coffee drinks? Snag some inspo from these influencers:

Be your own barista! Share your own #SarilingTimpla na #SwakSaBulsa coffee creations with Krem-Top!

Shop Krem-Top in supermarkets and grocery stores nationwide or online via Shopee and Lazada. Follow the brand on Facebook.

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