Tip of The Week: How to Prep Steak The Right Way

It only takes a few simple steps.


Steak is one of those things that are undeniably satisfying. When made right, steak can be spoon tender, incredibly juicy and deeply savory. Who doesn’t love a big old steak served with crispy roast potatoes, simply steamed veggies and a boatload of sauce to go with it?


If you’re feeling up to a little homemade steak and want to get it done just right, don’t forget that one key ingredient: patience. The path to amazing steak only takes a few simple steps, and it all just entails a little bit of waiting.



1 First off, make sure that your steak is at room temperature.

If you’re using steak straight from the fridge, leave it out for an hour before cooking to reach room temp. If you’re using meat from the freezer, make sure to let it thaw for at least 12 hours in the fridge before leaving it out to warm up a bit.



2 Don’t be tempted to take your steak off the heat as soon as it browns.

Just leave the steak alone for the allotted amount of time per side, depending on its thickness, in order to let it cook properly, develop a good color and to prevent it from sticking to the grill or pan. Use a digital thermometer to get an accurate read of the internal temperature of your meat, that way it will eliminate guesswork from the equation.



3 Always make sure to let your steak rest.

Resting or reposing helps the juices redistribute throughout the steak. If you cut into the meat immediately, all you’ll get is a big puddle of meaty juice escaping from your steak. Thinner cuts of meat will require 5-10 minutes of rest, while thicker cuts (approximately an inch or so) will take 15-20 minutes.




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Photography by Patrick Martires


Tips were part of the “The Great Big Steak Guide” feature published in the August 2015 issue of Yummy magazine



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