Tip of the Week: How to Separate Egg Yolks and Egg Whites

Separating egg whites from the yolks can be a messy affair.

Eggs are one of the most versatile ingredients you could use in the kitchen. Egg whites can whip into fluffy clouds of meringue, while egg yolks can be used to thicken a smooth custard. However, separating egg whites and egg yolks can be a difficult task! Here are two easy tips to getting this done with ease. With some practice, this task will be a breeze!

1 Start with cold eggs.

Firm yolks are less likely to break.


2 Prepare three bowls.

The first is for the yolks; the second is for the whites; the third is for catching the egg white as you crack each egg. Do not do it over the bowl with the separated egg whites—broken yolks might get into them. Transfer the white from the third to the second bowl each time you successfully separate an egg. 


Text originally published in March 2015 issue of Yummy magazine. Minor edits have been made by the Yummy.ph editors.


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