5 Documentaries Every Food Lover Needs to Watch

Warning: Don’t watch these mouth-watering food documentaries at night!


Is binge-watching TV shows a favorite past time? Does midnight snacking make it to your list of daily hobbies? If you answered yes to both, we’ve got the perfect weekend suggestion for you—why not binge-watch food documentaries?


The world of food has wonderfully merged with the world of TV, creating eye-opening, mouth-watering films and shows about the many culinary heavens around the globe, perfectly suited for different types of foodies to enjoy.


Warning: Don’t do this at night. We guarantee insatiable cravings and rumbling tummies!




1  Chef’s Table

Have you ever wondered what being a highly-acclaimed, renowned international chef is like? Chef’s Table, a Netflix documentary revolving around the lives of six of the world’s best chefs, lets us in on what makes, and has made, them so great. It’s time to unlock their best-kept secrets!



2  Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Our friendly advice? If you’re craving for sushi, don’t watch this documentary. From close-up shots of the freshest sashimi being served, to excited customers taking their first glorious bite of Jiro’s world-renowned sushi… Jiro Dreams of Sushi is a film that will make your jaw drop, both in amazement and in hunger. This documentary follows Jiro Ono, an 85-year-old sushi master behind a Michelin three-star restaurant who has dedicated most of his life to perfecting the art of sushi. A 10-seat restaurant where reservations have to be done a month in advance, this is a legendary story you definitely shouldn’t miss.





3  Ramen Dreams

Is ramen more of your thing? Good news! Now you can also follow your Ramen Dreams! This documentary follows a chef’s love for the best-tasting ramen, sharing that yes, he has eaten 600 bowls of ramen in his lifetime. You might be able to relate to his passion for this delicious Japanese delicacy!





4  Somm

Watch a documentary on what it takes to be a professional sommelier, because wine not? Take an inside look on the arduous process an aspiring wine aficionado goes through and what the exclusive honor a pro wine expert is bestowed with after years of training and hard work is all about! All that for the love of the wine? We completely understand.




5  Three Stars

So what really makes a restaurant Michelin-rated? With a title filled with much prestige and honor, one may wonder what it takes to finally achieve that coveted three-star rating. Is it skill? Pure talent? Nine kitchens are opening their doors for viewers to finally see in-depth what those three magical stars are really all about.


Excited? Go and arm yourself with your foodie curiosity and a bowl of popcorn and get started on these films ASAP!



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