Starbucks’ Newest Reserve Store at S’Maison Offers a Coffee Bar Experience

Choose from different brewing methods for your caffeine cup.

The newest Starbucks Reserve store at S Maison at the Conrad Hotel Manila in Pasay takes the coffee experience a notch higher. The store has a coffee experience bar where caffeine hounds can watch their baristas prepare their coffee, using the brewing method of their choice.



Choose from Siphon, Pour-over, Chemex, and Clover brewing methods. Each method highlights different characteristics of coffee: the Siphon method uses halogen lights or butane flames to produce heat for boiling water and brings out well-defined flavors of the beans; the Pour Over method uses a ceramic cone which holds the heat well during brewing and gives you a consistent and flavorful cup. The Chemex method uses a glass decanter which amplifies the body of the coffee and brings out the coffee’s complex flavors. The Clover brewing system uses a machine which has Vacuum-press technology that controls brew time and temperature.



Mix and match different brewing methods with Starbucks Reserve Coffee beans to see which one produces your fave cup. Did we say that the store is Instagram and Snapchat-friendly, too?





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