WATCH: How to Make Homemade Lollipops

Yes, you can! And the best part is, you can have it in any flavor you want.

Homemade lollipops are a fast and easy way to make candy. It only really uses 3 ingredients! Plus, it’s a cost-effective way of getting your (and your kids!) sweet cravings satisfied without having to worry about any artificial ingredients in your flavored suckers.  


Homemade Lollipops 


Takes 20 minutes plus cooling and wrapping

Makes 24 lollipops


1 cup sugar

1/8 cup light corn syrup

1/8 cup water

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract or your choice of gel food flavoring and coloring 

Mix-ins  (sprinkles and gel food coloring) 



1 Prepare all ingredients and lollipop sticks. Place a silicon mat on a flat surface or line two cookie sheets with silicone-lined parchment paper. If using parchment paper, lightly brush or spray with oil. Set aside. Place more parchment paper on a baking sheet for finished lollipops. 


2 In a small saucepan, stir together sugar, light corn syrup, and water. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Lower heat and let simmer, without stirring, until the hard-crack stage or a candy thermometer reads almost 300 F. Remove from heat; stir in flavoring and any food coloring if using until well blended.



3 Working quickly and using a metal spoon, pour candy mixture by the tablespoonful, placing 3 circles about 2 inches apart. Immediately place a lollipop stick into the hardening candy by twisting the tip of the stick in the candy to coat it. Let harden, about 5 minutes or until just hard enough to be lifted off the silicone mat without bending and transfer to the prepared baking sheet with parchment.



4 Repeat with remaining candy mixture, keeping the pan over low heat to prevent from hardening. If decorating, immediately top each lollipop with sprinkles or stir in gel food coloring into candy before adding lollipop stick. Wrap in plastic or cellophane, and store in airtight containers. 






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