How To Clean Rice Cooker Pots

There's a trick to doing it effortlessly.

Do you have a hard time cleaning the rice cooker bowl? Those stubborn rice at the bottom and sides of the bowl of rice cooker have a tendency to stick, become hard, and stay stuck if you don’t scoop it out cleanly when it’s still freshly cooked. 

If it seems like the only time it’s easy to clean is when the rice is freshly cooked and still soft, it’ probably is. Rice is naturally sticky no matter what kind of rice grains you’re using. The rice cooker, while super useful when cooking rice, can be a hassle to clean. After all, cooking rice is commonly done once or twice every day. 

Soaking the rice cooker bowl is the common practice. For those times when you cannot scrape almost all of the kernels of rice out of the bowl, the rice may have gotten stuck more stubbornly than when it was fresh. Soaking takes time but there’s a speedier way of cleaning it that might surprise you with its simplicity. 

This hack to cleaning the rice cooker bowl needs little effort on your part. Here’s what you do:

  1. 1. Add a little water to the pot, just enough to wet any of the leftover rice. Cover. 
  2. 2. Turn it on, and leave it to steam. 
  3. 3. Remove the lid and check that the rice has softened. 
  4. 4. Scrape or spoon out any rice.
  5. 5. Clean. 

It sounds easy, and while it is, the best part about this trick is that there is little food waste. The rice that got stuck that you might normally toss out becomes edible again if a little softer than originally. That’s easily remedied in a wok when you make fried rice since any excess moisture will evaporate while cooking. 




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