How To Cook Gyoza In A Frying Pan

It's easier than using a steamer.

Gyoza, also known as jiozai or potstickers in the west, are Japanese dumplings. These are meaty dumplings that are folded in pleated half-moon shaped parcels. These are commonly steamed but what makes these so unique is that these also have crispy parts. 

The good news is you do not need a steamer to cook gyoza. You don’t even have to thaw frozen premade gyoza. All you really need is a frying pan with a lid

Here’s how to cook gyoza from frozen in a frying pan: 

  1. 1 Heat a nonstick frying pan over medium heat. Place frozen gyoza, flat side down, in the pan. Add 1/2 cup water and 2 tablespoons cooking oil. The water should at least be high enough to both cover the bottom of the pan and touch the dumplings. (The more dumplings, the more water is needed.)
  2. Bring the water to a boil until it’s steaming. Lower heat, and cover. Simmer the water until it’s almost dry and the dumplings are cooked through, around 5 minutes.
  3. 3 Once almost dry, remove the lid and check to see if the gyoza are cooked through. Add more water as needed. Let the oil heat up and crisp up the bottoms of the gyoza before removing these from the pan. Serve immediately. 

Once you know how to cook gyoza that’s perfectly steamed and crisp on the bottom, why not try making a batch of delicious homemade gyoza using this recipe: 

Basic Gyoza Recipes 

Make a basic gyoza recipe using either of these easy-to-follow versions. You’ll need pork, cabbage, green onions, shiitake mushrooms, garlic, ginger, shredded nori sheets, sake, sesame oil, soy sauce, salt, pepper, and premade gyoza wrappers. (Yes! There are different wrappers specifically for gyoza!) 

Gyoza Recipe Posted in: Recipe
Gyoza Posted in: Recipe

Can’t find gyoza wrappers? Make homemade gyoza wrappers using all-purpose flour, boiling water, and salt then follow our how-to instructions to fold it just right. These homemade wrappers make the best gyoza! These are especially chewy and crisp at the same time. 


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